Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Cyso B.V. in Alkmaar, The Netherlands.

Cyso Cloud SLA v1.0, Januari 2024

On all our applicable services we offer a monthly uptime commitment to customers of at least 99.99%. If Cyso Cloud does not comply with the SLA and the customer has met the Terms of use and SLA, the customer is entitled to a financial credit.

Applicable services**

Instances that are part of the Cyso Compute Engine Service
Objectstore that is part of the Cyso Cloud Storage Service
Volume storage that is part of the Cyso Cloud Storage Service
Networking that is part of the Cyso Cloud Service

Downtime means**

For instances: The loss of external connectivity with the outside world or the loss of persistent disk access for all running instances, that are being hosted across two different Availability Zones in the same Region.

For Object Store: The loss of connectivity to the Object Store API.

For Volume Storage: The loss of persistent disk access of the running instance on which the volume is mounted.

For Networking: The loss of external connectivity with the outside world or loss of connectivity of internal networks.

Excluded is any unavailability of connectivity as a result of a VPN service.

Scheduled maintenance

Scheduled maintenance takes place during our maintenance window. The customer will be notified at least 14 days in advance by e-mail sent to the registered e-mail address. It is possible that during this maintenance period the service or services are temporarily completely or partially out of use and is therefore not available to the customer.

A scheduled maintenance message will contain the following information:

timeframe in which scheduled maintenance will take place;
expected duration of scheduled maintenance;
the services on which scheduled maintenance will be of influence;
Scheduled maintenance is excluded from the availability calculations unless the period for the scheduled maintenance is exceeded and the hosting service is therefore not available to the customer.

Maintenance window as defined in this SLA

Window: Maintenance
Description: Tuesday and Thursday from midnight till 04:00 AM CEST

Emergency maintenance

Emergency maintenance may be required when conditions require immediate intervention. In such a situation, the customer is informed as soon as possible by e-mail to the registered e-mail address and via the Twitter channel of provider. Unavailability during emergency maintenance is included in the availability calculation.

Financial credit means

Monthly Uptime Percentage: 99.00% – < 99.99% Credit compensation 10%
Monthly Uptime Percentage: 95.00% – < 99.00% Credit compensation 25%
Monthly Uptime Percentage: < 95.00%. Credit compensation 50%

Calculation of availability
Monthly uptime percentage means the total number or minutes in that month, minus the number of minutes of the downtime generated by all periods of downtime in that month, divided by the total number of minutes of that month.

Request for financial compensation

To be eligible for financial compensation, the customer will have to notify the Cyso Cloud support team within 30 days after the unavailability of service (downtime) occurred with the request for a financial compensation.

Maximum financial compensation

The maximum number of credits of a financial compensation that is requested by the customer of Cyso Cloud for a period of or all periods of downtime that occurred during a single month can not exceed more than 50% of the total amount billed of that month. Financial compensation will be made available in the form of Cyso credits for future use of the Cyso Cloud Services and will be applied within 30 days after approval of the financial compensation to the customer’s account.

Cyso credits can not be moved or shared with other accounts or exchanged for other currencies.

The SLA does not apply to

Every feature labeled as Alpha or Beta (unless stated otherwise in the description of the service).
Downtime due to factors beyond reasonable control of Cyso Cloud.
Issues caused by software and/or hardware of the customer, third-parties or both.
Issues due to limits applied to the system and / or indicated in the dashboard.